A Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to explore your Next.js projects in a tree view.
TypeScript, VS Code API
A clone of tweek.so, a weekly planner. My version comes with an AI assistant that can help you with your daily tasks.
React, Next.js, Convex, TypeScript, shadcn-ui, PaLLM 2
I created a Chrome extension that allows you to bookmark your favorite websites and organize them into groups.
Svelte, Firebase
This is a simple app I made to upload data to an S3 bucket using Svelte and the AWS SDK.
Svelte, JavaScript, AWS SDK
A simple feedback app I made using Svelte.
Svelte, JavaScript
A simple recipe app I made using Create T3 App.
React, Create T3 App, Chakra UI, Next.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, Prisma, tRPC
A simple intro video for my YouTube videos I made using Remotion, a React library for creating videos.
React, Remotion
I decided to build put my Java experience in practice by building a RESTful API using Spring Boot
Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB
For a Design Patterns project, we were asked to use the Factory and Abstract Factory patterns to build an e-commerce site.
Next.js, TypeScript, Chakra UI, MongoDB, Mongoose
A team project for my internship at RadicalX, a startup that helps people find their next job.
React, Firebase
A clone of the popular word cloud generator Wordle, built with React.
React, React Hooks, React Router, React Context
An app that will log my exercises with authentication and a database using the MERN Stack.
MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, bcrypt, JWT, Mongoose
My old portfolio built with Next.js, and some questionable design choices.
Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, Vercel